Hydratec launches HydraSave
In the current economic climate, saving your customers money is a sure fire way of demonstrating just how great your customer satisfaction levels are. Even better, when you not only offer a tangible cost saving but an improvement in performance, reliability and equipment life expectancy as well!
Over the past year, Hydratec has been developing a cost effective inverter package that can be retrofitted to hydraulic lifts offering savings of around 30% pa.
Installing the new HydraSave will achieve all of the above and because of its power saving ability your clients can even qualify for substantial savings* against the installation costs through the Enhanced Capital Allowance scheme. It’s a win-win for everybody.
Benefits of renewing with HydraSave™:
- Ongoing running cost saving
- ETL approved
- Minimum downtime
- No ‘motor kick’
- Longer lasting oil
- Easily wall mounted
- Bespoke management software
- Replaces traditional starting system
*Qualifying criteria of this scheme must be confirmed by your Accountant.